Fruits & Vegetables Packaging Industry

Fruits & Vegetables Packaging Industry in pune

Fruits and Vegetables are perishable products. As these products age, their nutritive value also tends to decrease.

At DBS Packaging, we have standard fruits & vegetable packaging solutions for your fresh ready-to-go products OR we can also create customized corrugated packaging solutions for your new products.

With the help of qualified industry experts and high-end technology, we have been able to offer our clients across India, a qualitative range of Fruits and Vegetable cartons. Our offerings are widely used for the packaging of fresh fruits, vegetables, and other food items.

The boxes are precisely manufactured using the best food-grade quality raw materials and the latest high-tech machines. These boxes are largely in demand among our clients for their seamless finish and tear resistance features. All our cartons are tested and set as per the defined compression strengths in order to keep your products safe during transportation.

Contact Us

  • Gat # 135, Bhakti Hospital Road, Sarate Wasti, At Post Sanaswadi,
    Taluka Shirur, Pune 412208, India
  • +91 91759 21623
    +91 98229 39323

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